Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween Candy

So I got out of the problem of Halloween candy by not participating in Halloween. (Long story, we both grew up in families that didn't celebrate Halloween either, yadayadayada.) Anyway, We just go out for dinner somewhere to avoid all of the people demanding candy and taking our children to all of the people trying to scare them to death with their decorations before they give them candy.

I'm guessing not too many of you are up for joining me in that option since the national spending average for Halloween this year is over $4.6 billion.

If we did I would probably do what I do for birthday parties. I would let the children choose some favorites and then discard the rest and trade them for something else, maybe good chocolate or ice cream, or a toy. Here is a great idea that is similar but sounds way more fun.


Smoov said...

I love Halloween, I love dressing up with the kids and I love seeing all the other costumes, although it seems that people are getting less and less creative with their costumes. I don't like those really cheap ones from Wal Mart that you see a lot. Anyway, we all went out Trick or Treating as a family, it was a great night for walking around with our neighbors. The kids had fun, they got to eat a little candy and the rest of it will go away after they choose their favorites. No harm, no foul. And, my kids enjoy being "scared" at Halloween, but it is all a big show.

Melissa said...

The Halloween Fairie idea was AWESOME! It worked like a charm and has officially become part of our Halloween tradition.

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