Thursday, November 22, 2007

Shepherd's Pie From Turkey Leftovers

Well, I'm tired, and stuffed. Here is a reprint of last year's leftover solution.

While I'm thinking about it, here's the simplest ever remake of turkey dinner leftovers. Take leftover turkey and gravy and combine, add leftover vegetables, and spices that you like, garlic, salt, pepper, herbs, red pepper, hot sauce, Mrs. Dash, turmeric even if you like, whatever tastes good, put in a baking dish, spread the leftover mashed potatoes on top. Sprinkle with your favorite cheese and bake in the oven until the top browns. There you have turkey shepherd's pie, which even leftovers hater's will eat, because it's a new dish.
You can even assemble this as you are cleaning up from the feast. Then tomorrow, when the last thing you want to do is start cooking, you can just pop it into the oven and make a salad and use up the leftover rolls. :)

We always go for a walk after our big turkey meal. Before dessert. It keeps you from feeling quite so comatose in the evening.

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